Terms of Engagement Kate Watson UnderExposed Socially Engaged Practice



Terms of Engagement an ongoing work initiated by Kate Watson and Becky Warnock, reflecting on the language of collaboration and participation in photographic practice, with critical consideration of the usages and application of these terms.

Collaborative and participatory or socially engaged photographic practice covers a broad spectrum of forms of engagement, pedagogies and modes of production. Rather than an attempt to define the terminology, Terms of Engagement offers a range of perspectives that bring focus whilst also acting as points of departure for critical reflection on the language which surrounds this continuously evolving field of practice.

Delivered in partnership with London Collage of Communication and The Photographers’ Gallery, the practice-led research programme brings together leading artists and practitioners to collectively explore how key concepts such as authorship, accessibility and dialogue are situated within socially engaged practice and the different ways they are understood by those involved in it.

The resulting anthologies are responsive documents, the product of a collaborative exchange between contributors and editors.

Terms of Engagement Kate Watson Parallax Photographic Coop Socially Engaged Practice

The first edition of Terms of Engagement is available to purchase through Parallax Photographic Coop.

Second edition – Coming soon….

Images [Top] (un)Learning + Intervention | Underexposed | May 2022 [Bottom] TofE First Edition © Parallax Photographic Coop | 2023